Hud's vehicles.

Anyone know the year of the Dodge pickup and the Caddy?
Also, anyone know the color of the Caddy?

reply is your friend. The internet has everything...


The Caddy is a '58. I know because I had one. Great car!!


From the first lines of the film

Early morning -- Lon enters town in search of his Uncle Hud:

Lon: Thanks for the lift.
Driver: Where will you look?

Lon: I don't know, but if I find a pink Cadillac, he'll be around somewhere.


Checked it out and yer right. Thanks!


So I did hear right - pink cadillac - what was a toughie like Hud doing driving a pick caddy?

He threw it around something fierce, too!


Hey, he sold a LOT of Mary Kay Cosmetics to earn it. Seriously, he is so macho that he can get away with it.
