However, I think the big problem is the attention deficit disorder of so many present-day moviegoers/
Another slam at ADHD from someone who must know nothing about this... ARRGH!
I am in my 60s but did not know I had ADHD till I was about 40 years old. (I'm not certain of the year and my age, as that seems to be part of the disorder: difficulty with keeping track of time).
I have NO problem with slow, thoughtful, complex material, and I imagine that's true of most ADHDers. What disturbs and flusters us is hectic moviemaking such as seen in the Transformers series or "Speed Racer", as well as the idiotic "comedies" preferred nowadays. Rapid cuts and mayhem are irritations, not entertainment.
Why do people so misunderstand it then toss it around as an insult?! Someone with aDHD generally can follow material that might lose others; we tend to be intuitive and empathic. For example, if we explain something, we generally go the long way around, where others might wrap it up in a few words and move on. We tend to like time taken in telling stories.
Cut out the idea that ADHDers are messy-brained lovers of nonsensical action movies. Explosions and high-speed chases generally are not the way to our hyperactive minds unless delivered with a certain style.
My younger sister (now gone0 and I both had learning disabilities of various types, yet among our favorite films were "Barry Lyndon" and "All the President's Men". They're films I still love, of course. We also enjoyed action/adventure movies but noted that, about 1995, films overall seemed to be in a downward spiral along with music and television programming as the truly lamebrained viewers rooted out so much of the "good stuff".
I know the responses of my sister and I aren't unusual because ADHD happens to show up on both sides of the family quite a lot, and none of us has ever shown the mentality typically described by those who know nothing about it and likely think we eat too much sugar. So, people, cut it out!
*** The trouble with reality is there is no background music. ***