Baby Bomb starring Diane Keaton\
at 2:01, this trailer shows just a bit of the scene, which includes numerous attempts to work up the courage to do it:
Also, here's proof that the rectal reading still is preferred:
One of those bands across the forehead...? No!
BTW: The question of taking oral vs. rectal temperatures saved my life when I was 10. Thank goodness my mother had stayed with me, as my parents always made certain that one or the other was with me at all times whenever I was hospitalized (far too often sad to say).
In the middle of the night, a hospital Sister entered the room and prepared to take my temperature rectally. By that age, I very intensely did NOT like rectal readings and admit that I tended to put up quite a struggle when this was necessary. I had to have my temperature taken far too often by doctors, nurses and my mother; so, knowing this from experience, my mother said that the nun would need help holding me. That is when the nun said that I had had no problem before this.
Alert 1!
The Sister then commented that I was quite big for my age.
Alert 2!
"What are you going to give her?" Mom asked. "She's been prescribed penicillin."
Alert 3! Sound the alarms!
It turns out that she was supposed to be in the room across the hall with a 4-year-old pneumonia patient! So, the question of how to take my temperature officially, undeniably saved my life! What would the hospital have said otherwise? Would it have been covered up as "post-operatal shock"? In 1961, I'm not sure they'd have owned-up, anymore than they would nowadays.
Ouch! Sorry for jumping the track and running madly in another direction! Blame my ADHD with its derailment of thought.
(W)hat are we without our dreams?
Making sure our fantasies
Do not overpower our realities. ~ RC