His anger at his son was due to his son being blase about the death of his mother, yet freaking out over the death of a fish.
I find it more anger at himself rather than anger at Eddie. I don't think either one truly expressed grief at the time ("blase" not being quite the right description), and this small in comparison death of the fish and the reaction of it was a repressed emotion for both of them.
My Dad died as a volunteer firefighter on his first call when I was 12. I was sad but didn't show grief at the time...I was suddenly the "man of the family". I can't explain it other than I was angry that he left us. A dozen or so years later our family cat died and I practically lost it. I think it was the build up of the repressed emotion of Dad's death that finally came out. No hysteria, but if it did reach that point and someone had to slap me to shock me back to reality and reason, well I wouldn't consider that bad by any means.