Tippi Hedren’s character was a Bitch!
Little Girl: “oh won’t you please come to my birthday party?”
Melanie: (smugly smiling, looks down with a dry expression ) “I don’t think so.”
How rude!! What was wrong with this narcissistic blonde who randomly bought the girl a bird just to flirt with her father, then shows off her wealth and fur coat like she’s princess Diana.
No wonder Jessica Tandy (the much better actress in the movie) didn’t like Melanie’s cold disposition.
It’s interesting - Alfred Hitchcock is a great director, but seems keen on making the women not likable. Janet Leigh was also nasty and stuck up in Psycho, which is why no one felt sorry for her when she was killed in the shower.
I think Hitchcock was insecure around beautiful women because he wasn’t that attractive and probably was turned down by many of those types of girls when he was in high school. Which is why he treated all of his female stars so cruelly, starting with Joan Fontaine. And I heard horror stories about his treatment of Tippi Hedren.
I think her dismissing the girl probably was a way for Hitchcock and the screenwriter to look back at their lame childhoods and think “I asked a girl like that to my birthday party and she also said No to me. So let’s make her do the same thing, only to an innocent little girl.”
The Birds is a slow moving, gross film that has random scenes where the birds will attack and kill people and end of dead themselves. The story is pretty sick and I wouldn’t recommend watching it with food.
Again the main character is not likable and therefore the audience grows tired of her arrogant demeanour - despite looking beautiful.