MovieChat Forums > The Birds (1963) Discussion > So I was in Bodega Bay yesterday...

So I was in Bodega Bay yesterday...

And I was hiking around Bodega Head, birdwatching away, when I noticed that two tiny little bluebirds were repeatedly attacking an empty parked car. They kept flying at the windows and pecking at them, circling around the car to look for more vulnerable points, and they were still at it when I wandered away fifteen minutes later.

I tell you, it was like a deleted scene from "The Birds"! One that was left on the cutting room floor because it was silly.



Maybe it was the reflections that got the male all worked up and circling around the car attacking it from all directions, it was a bright enough day that all the car's windows were reflective.

The whole thing was a bit like a Monty Python parody of "The Birds". Not a Mel Brooks parody, we all know how THAT turned out!



Oh yeah, Bodega Bay attracts a lot of birds, and birders!

I don't know if Hitchcock knew that when he made "The Birds" and put birdwatcher character in Bodega Bay, or if he just wanted someone who could deliver exposition plausibly.


