Am I the only person who thinks that green suit that Tippi Hesren wears would have been pretty dank after those three days?? She wore that around under a sweltering fur coat, operating a boat, running around numerous times, falling down, getting injured..
Just seems to me it would be pretty nasty after all that action.
I probably haven't fully understood your comment, but I just wanted to say that dress looked spectacular on her. The colour was superbly classy, genteel and well matched to the lush green setting of the Bodega Bay
It's gorgeous, I have no issue with the suit itself. I'm just saying that she wore it three days in a row without it being washed and she was involved in quite a lot of action during those three days. It probably didn't smell too fresh.
Yeah, and in Hitch's North by Northwest, Cary Grant really gets his suit soiled from the kidnapping, to all the running around, to being sprayed with insecticide...until he finally orders the hotel staff to do a "sponge" on the suit...
On her first night in Bodega Bay, the one she spent there intentionally, she stayed at Annie's and showed up with a paper bag of, I assume, clean underwear and stockings that she'd bought in town.
Under that suit she would have worn a slip that could be easily washed and underwear that was replaced, and possibly "dress shields" as well. You won't believe this, but ladies of that era had removable cloth pads in the armpits of dresses that needed dry cleaning, the pads were meant to absorb sweat so it wouldn't go into the fabric. And yes, before dry cleaning was invented wool and other fabrics that couldn't be washed were cleaned with damp sponges, she could have done that with the suit.
So while she was probably a frowzy, bloody, smelly mess by the time she left the town, she probably started the second morning fresh enough.
“Seventy-seven courses and a regicide, never a wedding like it!
"she stayed at Annie's and showed up with a paper bag of, I assume, clean underwear and stockings that she'd bought in town. "
No, she bought a nightgown from the local store when she decided to stay the night. The only thing that was in the bag was the nightgown she had just purchased right before coming to the house. She even tosses the empty bag on the floor after she takes the gown out of it.
Ruin is a gift. Ruin is the road to transformation (Eat, Pray, Love)