I don't believe it was intended for there to be any explanation for it, but if I had to come up with one i'd say it was probably nature starting to fight back against humans. Human activity has disrupted the ecosystem and a balance needs to be restored, the birds began perceiving humans as a threat and started attacking them on sight. Actually I was half-expecting for someone in the movie to come up with this theory, and was surprised when nobody said it after Cathy specifically asked why the birds were attacking people.
Even this, though, I don't know if it's adequate. It's just what i'd expect, I guess. Humans have been a threat to the environment for a long while, so why only now ("now" being 1963)? Of course, at that time, humans were becoming an even bigger threat due to the rising level of industrial development and its destructive effect on the environment, as well as the development of more destructive weapons of war, but animals wouldn't perceive the latter change (well, animals in Asia would, since wars from the 1930s to 70s pretty much burned much of the region to the ground, but animals in California wouldn't notice a difference). And even then, why only birds? And very common birds that have weathered human activity fairly well too, such as seagulls and crows.
Of course there's the religious "end of the world" scenario, but even then, why only birds, and why only in that general area? Though you could say it's only just starting then and there.
Or maybe it's something more simple, like a local chemical plant or something releasing stuff into the air that caused the birds of the area to go insane.
The people, and the people alone, are the motive force in the making of history.
-Mao Zedong