I believe she was setting a bad example for the children smoking a cigarette in front of the school. Smoking causes all kinds of health issues and nobody seemed bothered by everyone lighting up in this film. I was offended by this and they need to edit this part out of the film. Perhaps they could edit the cigarette out of her hand with all the new technology they have. Everytime I watch this film I skip this part. They need to edit cigarette smoking from all films so that children will not grow up to be smokers. It is a nasty habit and it kills.
I don't care if it was 1922, we must eliminate cigarette smoking for good. That also means editing out of films . Do you think lung cancer is something to joke about? Research Truth , the organization that wants to be the generation to finish it.
You seriously think this movie should be edited because people smoked in it? Do you think Gone With the Wind should be re-shot because of the portrayal of African Americans?
Movies reflect the time they were made and give a window into people's lives and values.
Political Correctness will the death of creativity
Yes, you got me Beachleena. This is an early April Fools joke way ahead of its time. I just wanted to sound like those anti-smoker people and pretend to be them here on IMBD. Can you believe there are people who want to edit cigarettes out of films. That is a part of history that we can not get rid of. With that mentality we might as well edit out guns and everything else that makes these movies great. I am a smoker myself and still get harassed if I light up or given dirty looks. Often people look at me like if I'm blowing anthrax in their direction when I stand outside of a bar or restaurant to smoke a cigarette. I understand cigarette smoke can be annoying and supposedly second hand smoke kills but now we cant even smoke in bars over here. Yes, I understand that cigarettes kill and all but I'm not trying to live to be 95 either. I love watching these old films and it seems so long ago when it was proper to offer a lady a cigarette. It was a sign of adulthood to smoke. Lauren Bacall, Elizabeth Taylor, James Dean, Marlon Brando all looked so cool. Im sure the cigarettes back then weren't sprayed with all the chemicals we have today. I wish I had been in my prime back in 1960, Woodstock, the doors, Hendrix, ..but now I'm here with this world getting crazier and crazier. As my post is
Well, I hope you are one of the lucky ones who doesn't get cancer.
But my father wasn't. On the night he told us about his diagnosis he said that nonetheless he was glad that he smoked because he enjoyed it so much. Three years later after several rounds of chemo and the radiation he told us he just wanted to die.
He made it to 81 and lived a good full life. But those last three years were a horror show and nobody should go out like that. It also took a huge toll on us his family which can't be overlooked.
I remember going to one of my father's chemo treatments and seeing almost half a floor of couches holding people who were also getting chemo, almost all of them older people. They were paying for a lifetime of smoking because back before the '60s nobody knew what it could do, and besides it looked so cool. All the beautiful stars in the movies were doing it.
I really believe that smoking is your own business, and this is the first time I'm ever said something like this to anybody. But to be honest your cavalier attitude and the fact that your original post was a bit of a troll annoyed me. If you really believe what you said, you have no idea what's in store for you if you do get cancer.
I think my dad wanted to be someone between Dean Martin and Johnny Carson. He smoked so much that I had to close off the heating registers to my bedroom in the middle of Minnesota winters.
He wouldn't quit until his first major heart attack, but it was too late. Emphysema, heart failure, and kidney failure were his future. Thankfully, he never was a big drinker or his liver would have failed too. My wife was raised with big drinkers, and it wasn't much fun.
It's sad that the OP talks about the glamorous movie stars who used to smoke in movies, and how cool they looked. That sounds like the reasons a fifteen-year-old might start smoking, rather than the thoughts of an adult. Both of my parents and all of the adults in my family smoked, and they all died horribly from smoking-related cancer. Enjoy your stinking cigarettes while they're destroying your health.
I think they should edit out all the birds in this film, so as not to encourage hate crimes against birds. Then the title should be changed to something more neutral, like "A Weekend in Bodega Bay."
--- Fowler's knots? Did you say ... fowler's knots?