got canceled because of ...
Jackie Gleason. They moved the series from Monday to Saturday night opposite one of Gleason's variety shows.
shareJackie Gleason. They moved the series from Monday to Saturday night opposite one of Gleason's variety shows.
shareGetting rid of so many people who gave the first season its shadow-shrouded look right out of German Expressionism didn't help either. The second season, while still featuring some really good stories, now looked more like every other show on TV. I've read that someone at ABC actively wanted it canceled, but I can't be absolutely sure of that just off the top of my head.
sharei thought the last few episodes were weak. it seems they just gave up.
shareI suspect they saw the writing on the wall. Also, their already slim budget was being cut more & more with each subsequent episode, so much so that they couldn't overcome it. Especially not if morale was plunging every day ...
shareIn doing that, it's almost like they were trying to "kill" it. TOL didn't stand a chance against Gleason. It was a marvelous show, and they should have treated it with more respect, although the changes in behind the scenes personnel, the creative people involved in it, caused a decline that likely alienated the show's most ardent viewers,--my take.
shareit was an unique show. more episodes would have been great.