Th spaceship used in My Favorite Martian is a simple looking craft. I ask you, is that not the same design in the background in that scene in Men in Black II (2002) when Will Smith is in that room with a rag tag fleet of ships?
What you saw in MIBII was indeed the same design as the ship from MFM. It was a fan built ship that was used as an homage to MFM. It actually ended up on eBay not long after MIBII was released.
Thank you, caladon, for responding and providing the answer. I'm certain other fans of My Favorite Martian and the Men in Black movie series who have not seen the space ship will look for it the next time they watch Men in Black II (2002).
Thank you for not only verifying the sighting, but for the additional information as well.
Glad to have helped. I dug through some old folders and pulled out the print outs I made from the auction. Here is some additional information that was included in the eBay listing:
This is a quote from the book Inside MIB II by Brad Munson pg 34.
"A number of lovingly rendered details skip by in the shots of the impound lot. The various interstellar vehicles being kept there were actually borrowed from real-world memorabilia collectors... That's a full sized replica of the spaceship from the old TV series My Favorite Martian, built by a hobbyist named Steve Stockburger [sic] in Anaheim, California."
I actually got to see his unfinished model at a collector's show at the Sequoia Athletic Club in Buena Park when Ray Walston was the guest that month. It was pretty cool back then too. There is more information: The b/w print out from the auction is 15 pages of photos and information. I can post some more later, but I don't have the time right now. I can mention that the reserve was not met and the item went unsold that day (9/9/2002,) the seller's eBay name was: