Sabrina's death

Is really Elizabeth's fault. Seriously think about it.

If Liz weren't so hellbent on sending Hayden to prison she wouldn't have been rushing to get to the police station. Then she would have waited for the elevator and would not have been pushed down the stairs. If Liz weren't in the hospital Sabrina would not have been in her room and offered to care for her since the hospital was short staffed. Then Monica would not have been reminded of how good of a nurse Sabrina is and offered her a job at GH. Then Sabrina would not have seen Paul at the hospital and he would not have had to kill her to keep his secret safe.

Honestly I think almost every bad thing that happens in PC can be traced back to Liz.

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist


LOL. I actually think Liz has been much more likeable since she's been in a relationship with Franco. I know I'm in the minority, but I wish Sabrina hadn't been killed off. I liked her character.


I think plenty of people agree that Sabrina shouldn't have been killed off. She could have just gone to Puerto Rico to go raise Teduardo with her family. Also, it was yet another waste of a Michael/Sabrina coupling as it was over almost as soon as it started.

However, if you feel that the character shouldn't have been written off altogether than yea you're likely in the minority.

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist


I don't think Sabrina would have taken Teddy to Puerto Rico, if anything she was poised to become a Legacy character with Michael ensconced at the Q mansion.

OTOH Sabrina's death made for great soap drama.

Plus she was really Ron's creation so I could understand Jelly not being inspired to write for her. I think Nelle is their pet lol


Plus she was really Ron's creation so I could understand Jelly not being inspired to write for her.

Do you realize that Altman and Passante were writers during the first 18 months or so of Ron's tenure as head writer, and therefore had a hand in creating all of the characters he introduced during that time?


i guess i am in the same boat as you... i liked sabrina as well


my question is what is your problem with elizabeth?

lets say that elizabeth didn't get hurt, sabrina could have gone to the hospital for other reasons.... like to visit felix or michael asked her if she could take something to monica.... either way, she still would have been killed....


I am confounded so many people are distraught by her death. Where were all these amazing friends when she was presumably kidnapped by a hit-man and disappeared for months? Or when she faced prison for helping Carlos? Hardly anyone even mentioned her or cared. Now it's all chest-beating and sleeve-ripping. Good Lord, she was more off-screen than on for the last 18 months -- I'm surprised anyone even remembered who she was.

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Its probably guilt for not caring about all those other events you mentioned. Pretty much Michael and Felix were the only ones to mention her on a semi regular basis so their grief makes sense to me. But all the others, yea I'm talking about you Liz!, just seem overly dramatic.

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist


Sabby was just one of those annoying characters played by a mediocre actress that the fans can revel in the death of. Everyone works w or has a Sabby in their clan, and wishes- God, just die, so when a Sabby dies on TV the fans are happy.


Sabrina = GH's version of Emily Kinney


Beth was far more self-aware than Sabrina. Stronger too.

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