Well, they are the ones who came up with Charlotte's convoluted history, and they actually said that someone 'stole' a man's sperm, which is inherently ridiculous.
I remember watching her on GH in the late 80s. She was always called Olivia St. John, even after it was revealed Victor Jerome was her father.
So when did she become Olivia Jerome? And what about St. John-- was that her married name, or her mother's maiden name? Was it explained why she was using St. John instead of Jerome as her last name?
I assumed they St John was an alias so as not to be identified as a Jerome. It would be like Kristina calling herself different. Wasn't Olivia sort of the black sheet and kicked aside by Victor? It might have been an F.U. to him as well.
I agree that Olivia and Claudia are cut from the same cloth.
So when did she start using Jerome? Is this something the current headwriters decided? I suppose they're doing it to make it obvious to new viewers that she's connected to Julian and Ava. And probably St. John won't even be mentioned.
Olivia was the precursor to Faith Roscoe, as well. When she was w Colton, she dropped the St. John for Jerome. Colton had one of his Oprah talks to her and convinced her to be herself. This made her a good guy, briefly.
Ah, that could be it dedoc, I couldn't come up with any reason while I was watching the scene
I would love Olivia Jerome to end up with Duke. I used to ship him with Anna UNTIL she became Sonny's partner based on the LIE that Julian caused her miscarriage. And make Griffin Olivia's son with Duke just to stick it to Anna even more lol
i agree with you on the whole griffin part..... i think that olivia could be griffin's mother or anna is griffin's mothet yet olivia is the one that actually raised him.... i would think that olivia jerome would have changed her name when she was in hiding..... i am sure that the name olivia st. john or olivia jerome would be in all the criminal databases even when she was presumed dead
Sonny would claim to be "very religious" too. He could probably talk a good game.
Ok, though, I'll play with this Olivia/Griffin theory for a minute.
In 1988, Olivia claimed to be pregnant. Her test results were negative, but she tried to tamper with them. That didn't work and everyone knew she wasn't pregnant. Shortly after that, however, she was shot by Dino. She was in and out of the hospital and the sanitarium for the next several months. She was comatose more than once, and one time for a few months. Then she got involved with Colton and the whole thing nose-dived.
Most of her scenes post-shooting and pre-Colton were in a hospital bed, but she was offscreen for a few months, too. It would be easy enough to work in a pregnancy if they choose. Just like with Heather Webber, if they want to write it in, even though we saw the actress was clearly NOT pregnant, they could work it in.
I don't think they are banking on an "Olivia wants to buy GH story" because, really, who thinks the namesake of the show would actually close? Olivia vs Sonny will be interesting, but Sonny will win. Her Duke obsession has to come to the forefront soon, and at some point, Griffin has to play into that. Will it only be to acknowledge him or be counseled by Father Griffin? Maybe. It seems like a letdown.
If Griffin is Olivia/Duke's child he now becomes related to the family who killed his father (several times over). I'd love it.
And if that's not enough, to take this REALLY over the top, maybe Olivia gave her baby to Camilla to raise, which ties in the whole "religious" issue as well as the line that his mother loved Duke but he already loved someone else. (ETA. Ok, I just rewatched the details on Griffin's mother, and Camilla is unlikely. pffft.)
It's ridiculous, I know, and I pretty much have myself talked into this.
Somewhere I recall hearing that Camillia had died?
But like I have said it was Duke's GHOST that "confirmed" Margaret Munro being Griffin's mother. Anna gave him some of Duke's DNA (some hair on a hairbrush I think it was) to test on the "honor system". So I don't buy that we really know who Griffin really is.
I wouldn't be surprised if Olivia has Morgan at GH lol. She hacked into the security cameras so she could be surveilling his room. Felix mentioned GH being understaffed so a mystery patient could go overlooked. Paul got around pretty easily, even Heather lol
Amy could be working for Olivia as private nurse to Morgan who probably has amnesia