I still have the original Volume sets for the series,eight DVDs in all,and don't really want to repurchase them again! Why couldn't they have done a whole series release in the first place?
I figured they'd have a box set once all seasons were out. I couldn't wait, however, & bought them as they were released (plus free audio-updated S2V1). Can't justify spending another $225 on the box set.
Price seems a bit expensive too. Prices for the individual volumes have dropped to as low as $14 in some cases. Still seems much cheaper for someone to purchase all these individually. Not sure if the "extras" you get from the box set would be worth it.
Looks like the complete edition got pulled for another snafu. Amazon is not selling it at the moment & has added the following text to the page:
Dear Fugitive Fans, We have discovered some audio and playback issues in a select number of the episodes and alternate music cues in 1 episode included in THE FUGITIVE: THE MOST WANTED EDITION Complete Series DVD box set. We are working rapidly to remedy the situation by manufacturing new product, however if you purchased the box set and have experienced any of these issues, we will provide replacement discs for the affected episodes free of charge. Please email [[email protected]] or call (877-DELUXE-6) (877-335-8936) to provide details about your purchase and request your replacement discs. The hotline will be available Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Pacific. As always, our goal is to provide you with the highest quality product possible and we sincerely apologize for this inconvenience.
Apparently the entire series is about to be released again as a box set. Hopefully they will get it right this time. I am still reading of people getting sets with discs that have audio problems in this last full series box set.