For the botched season 2 music, that caused a huge uproar & the DVDs were later replaced with original music. This was when the DVDs were coming out one season at a time. I had the botched season 2 & it was really bad. Luckily, after much public pressure, CBS gave out free replacement DVDs, with fixed music, if you sent in proof of purchase, which I did.
The box set should have original music (mostly). When it was initially released, someone messed up at CBS & still mixed in some sampled music here & there. CBS was alerted to the situation & recalled the series, later releasing a fixed set. Anyone who already purchased could receive free replacements for the defective DVDs.
You can read all the related news articles about The Fugitive DVDs, including the box set, at:
EDIT: If you look at early reviews on Amazon's site, some people complained that some episodes still had sound issues, which is consistent with news articles. CBS supposedly fixed this later, but in case you have issues, you just call their number (877-335-8936) for replacement. Some claim to have been sent the entire Most Wanted Edition box set for free after that, which is the more expensive package & does definitely include original music. That title may no longer be produced, however.
PS: lists the box set for $46 US.