Annoying Centauri?

Am I the only one who found Alpha Centauri in The Curse Of Peladon to be annoying?

It's that voice. It just grates on my nerves every time that character speaks.

Saw Episodes 3 and 4 on my first week of watching Sunday's Pertwee reruns on Retro TV. Saw Episode 1 last night when the weekday Pertwee's caught up with Sunday's reruns. I still have to see Episode 2 tonight but I don't look forward to it because it means, most likely, more that annoying voice from Alpha Centauri!


I always liked AC.



I can stand the character's voice, but I tend to enjoy the scenes without that character more.

I find it more annoying that the show encouraged people to think Alpha Centauri is a woman in an unintentionally amusing costume rather than a triple star system four and a bit light years away. Calling the delegate from a place by the name of the place is a bit daft - why wasn't the Ice Lord called Mars?

So this is permanence, love's shattered pride.
What once was innocence, turned on its side.


Yes, Gallifrey and Earth should have pointed this out to Alpha Centauri.



That reminds me of the 2nd season of "Buck Rogers" (the 70s TV show) where they had a hawk-like character named "Hawk."

It was almost like "I am called Hawk, I come from a Hawk-like species of people also called Hawk and my planet is also called Hawk. I don't want to confuse anyone with this, just to be clear, I am a Hawk, my planet is called Hawk and also my name is Hawk."

The only thing that bothered be about the character Alpha Centauri is that he/she seemed to be a reject from Sesame Street. The voice was mildly grating, but it wasn't in the show enough to work up to the level of majorly annoying.

I'm also curious why the same exact character was still around 50 years later when the Doctor comes back for a visit. Does the character have no ambitions other than being the delegate to this planet. You've been doing the same job for 50 years! Time to move on to something better!


For countless generations, Humans have often engaged in a single line of employment for the majority of their lifespan. Why should an alien species be any different?

Besides, we don't know how long that species lives for. If it has a lifespan comparable to a Time Lord, a Tythonian or even just a California redwood, then what is a trifling 50 years?



It was almost like "I am called Hawk, I come from a Hawk-like species of people also called Hawk and my planet is also called Hawk. I don't want to confuse anyone with this, just to be clear, I am a Hawk, my planet is called Hawk and also my name is Hawk."
I liked Hawk. Good character and actor. Reminds me on Sliders where they had a guy called Dr Geiger because y'know he's a scientist. 


Or sort of like on the Mega Man animated series, which had a German scientist in one episode named Dr. Umlaut because, well, he's a German scientist.

Actually, now that I think about it, Gary Chalk was Dr. Umlaut and I believe he appeared in an episode of Sliders, too.


Actually, now that I think about it, Gary Chalk was Dr. Umlaut and I believe he appeared in an episode of Sliders, too.
Cool info, thanks!


I looked it up. He played Lt. Graves in the episode Time Again And World. Scott McNeil, who was also one of the main stars of Mega Man, I think also turned up on Sliders. In a kilt.


Scott McNeil, who was also one of the main stars of Mega Man, I think also turned up on Sliders. In a kilt.
No mention of him appearing in Sliders. If he does that's cool, it's a Hack and Slash reunion. 


Well, I'm only going by my memory of BotCon 1998, 1999, or 2001 but I thought he said he was on Sliders in a kilt. But maybe it was Garry Chalk.
