Full Circle
Started out right funny, Romana and the Doctor acting almost like a married couple.
"I don't want to leave you Doctor", (ok not being verbatim) You have to, you are being called back, I want Leela, (Ok, my wishes).
Anyway the store progressed quite well, A new type of characters, where children come in and run havoc w/ the TARDIS,
Men on a spaceship, supposedly being worked on to bring everyone back to a home planet, and those on the planet including a young lad Adric, whom is reminiscent of Zoe from the 2nd Doctors life. Super mathematical genius.
Romana gets attacked by spiders, losing her memory, K-9 gets his head kicked clean off, more scary bits for the kiddies
I was unhappy at the way the Marshmen were treated, and somehow everything came full circle allowing the Doctor to solve everyone's ptoblems