The First Doctor

I like William Hartnell, The First Doctor's run of stories especially when Verity Lambert was producer are one of the stronger points in the show's history.

What i like is that Hartnell's Doctor is the one who most convinces that he is the master of his ship, even when the companions sometimes stand up to him he is still the boss, he was prepared to throw Ian and Barbara off the ship when he thinks they sabotaged it, makes me wonder what he would have done with annoying moaners like Tegan and Clara.

I very much doubt he would have put up with Tegan's motormouth attitude, she is always critisising The Doctor and i found Davison a bit weak for taking it,I doubt Hartnell would.

Patrick Troughton maybe was too nice and he never had companions who faced up to him

Jon Pertwee's Doctor, again could be too nice, he didnt have the heart to tell Jo to leave as he saw her as a nuisance at first but he didnt, it grew into the best Doctor/Companion relationship ever.

Tom Baker's Doctor, i think is the closest to being the master of his ship, he only briefly meets Tegan but again i doubt he would have put up with her, however he somehow dealt with Adric much to Baker's own dislike

Peter Davison's Doctor was the weakest in this sense, he put up with Tegan who is so annoying, for 18 stories, he again and again gets critisised by her and i dont like that.


Poos and wees


Even after all these years, I still can't quite get over the feeling that William Hartnell is the REAL doctor Who - the others are just imposters.


Well he was the first so that's understandable.
