MovieChat Forums > Doctor Who (1963) Discussion > Your dissenting Doctor Who opinions

Your dissenting Doctor Who opinions

I think that The Pirate Planet is better than City of Death, and probably Douglas Adams' magnum opus.

Is that blasphemy? Maybe.

If you must blink, do it now.


I think the BBC should've cancelled the show back on Logopolis.

I think the Davison era is far worse than the Colin Baker era.

I don't subscribe to the idea that the Doctor is or should be a pacifist.

Paul McGann IS the War Doctor in my fic


We don't need threads like this because we already had one a few weeks ago and anyway people can say what they wish on a discussion board and it's best not to encourage people to say the same thing for the umpteenth time.

That's my dissenting opinion.

So this is permanence, love's shattered pride.
What once was innocence, turned on its side.


Delta and The Bannermen and Silver Nemesis really aren't that bad!

I know I'm very much 'swimming against the tide' on this one but I'll never understand the near-universal fan hate these two generate.

Not that I'm insinuating they're 'Who masterpieces either, obviously but both serials are enjoyable, fun and boast more than their fair share of good ideas and solid, inventive concepts.

Philistines.  



Totally agree!


Oh, and whilst I'm on a roll as it were with such outrageous Who-themed blasphemy: The Happiness Patrol (henceforth 'HP') is so comically overrated it hurts.

More frustrating though is that the lacklustre HP - a very mild 'ribbing' come satire of 'Fatcha' that inevitably flew right over my 9 year old head in 1988 has since been disingenuously 'upgraded' to be the fiendishly subversive, nay pseudo seditious indictment of Thatcherism it so obviously isn't.

Yep, Andrew Cartmel, Sly McCoy, Sophie Aldred and indeed many fans have all retrospectively indulged in a bit of self-congratulating revisionism post HP's transmission, puffing the story up to be something very daring when in truth it's a total lightweight. The Kandyman still looks great though!

HP for me at least is boring, surreal (and not in a good way), cheap (much of its budget was gobbled up by the overspending Remembrance of the Daleks, and it shows) and its purportedly fiendish political overtones all but lost on its then young target audience.

So there. 




Every story in season 22 is 10/10.




I am only on season 19, ep. 2, (also all of NEWWHO) but so far I actually like all of them, some more than others, but I can honestly say, I don't DISlike any of them


I am only on season 19, ep. 2, (also all of NEWWHO) but so far I actually like all of them, some more than others, but I can honestly say, I don't DISlike any of them

Pretty much this, except I have seen everything (pretty sure)
I mean obviously I don't like them all equally, but I don't think there are any of the shows that I feel are out and out BAD, 'paradise towers' and 'happiness' patrol come close but even they're watchable.

I love revenge of the cybermen and silver nemesis and have never understood the hate for them. I enjoy timelash and delta and the bannermen, I can recognise some flaws in them, but ultimately I quite enjoy them.

and then of course there's new who.
I think the amount of venom that some classic fans spend on the show is ridiculous, the endless threads about how nu who should die or how it is clearly gone to pot or whatever and I'm sitting there thinking "you didn't enjoy season 9? it was great!"(the last episode kind of went slightly downhill, but other than that...)
When the show came back I wasn't instantly impressed, definitely I personally consider RTD's era to be fairly patchy and tonally uneven, but even then, IMO season 3 was pretty strong and seasons 2 and 4 would have been were it not for the companions, even season 1 has its moments on rewatch.
Moffatt seems to have an alternating thing, season 5 was brilliant, season 6 was a bit convoluted, then season 7 was awesome again, season 8 was uneven, then season 9 was great again... hopefully he breaks the pattern and season 10 won't be patchy

New song "Where was I?"


Creature from the Pit is actually a great episode.

In times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.




Chibnall will pull out of showrunning at the last moment, so they give it to Terrance Dicks

Balotelli...Aguerooooo! I swear you will never see anything like this ever again!



"The Caves of Androzani" is overrated and overpraised.

Trump is Putin's bitch.
