Paradise Towers

This was a fun serial, I loved the red n blue Kangs, and keeping Mel and the Doctor separated for most of the story, gave them both chances to shine.
I already like Sly, as the Doctor, he has taken it by the horns and made it his own.
Am ok w/ Mel, just without any opening as her start, it's like walking in to the middle of her story.
This seems to have another brain connection, whereas the architect is a brain needing a body.
Caretakers, and Cleaners, gathering food, then the rezzies, scary old ladies that I thought meant Mel to be their next meal... Luckily the weapons that become available easily wipe out the cleaners.
Mel does get one scene in the pool, but where her swimsuit came from, or disappeared to, that was a disappointment. Peri in her first story was fantastic in that department
But I wander... Anyway, this was a good fun story, with no epidemic disasters to overcome.
Season 24 half done..


This is one of those ones that I feel like had some good ideas but the execution could have been better

New song "Breathless Love"


This is one of those ones that I feel like had some good ideas but the execution could have been better

Well the film version of J.G. Ballard's High Rise is available on DVD and Blu-Ray now.

So this is permanence, love's shattered pride.
What once was innocence, turned on its side.


I think everything about Paradise Towers is terrible - indeed, I considered it the worst televised Doctor Who story until Last of the Time Lords was broadcast - but the fun of a discussion board is to see wildly different opinions expressed well.

I thought Mel's (dis)appearing bathing suit was the least problematic aspect of the pool scene. Would you go for a swim in those circumstances? Would you fail to see the high-vis robot lurking in the clear water?

So this is permanence, love's shattered pride.
What once was innocence, turned on its side.


Ice hot


Those McCoy episodes were unwatchable, even though I taped it along with all the others! The Dalek ep, "Remembrance..." is the only one I repeated watch! If desperate, I can deal with The Rani!  

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I personally love this story, even if the ending villain is a little tacked on.

Red Kangs! Red Kangs! Red Kangs the best!


It's a great concept and some of it works. I thought certain things about it like Zombie Briars and the cannibals was too much though. The ending was quite bittersweet as well. Poor Pex. 


I actually quite liked the little old lady cannibals... I could almost imagine Mark Gatiss watching that story before writing for 'the league of gentlemen'

New song "Breathless Love"


I felt it was too much OTT in a story that didn't really need it.


I don't know. It sort of suits the rundown, 'dog eat dog' nature of the Towers

New song "Breathless Love"
