OT: Children of the stones
I stumbled upon this one after a friend of mine raved about the soundtrack and I decided to give it a look. In great English style it's only a little over 6 episodes long. The score is indeed quite arresting, consisting as it does of avant, atonal choral pieces.
Kind of reminds me of creepy small town englishness such as the original (good) 'Wicker Man'. When it relies on mood and story it does alright, being a children's programme, some of the child actors could be better and when they opt to rely on special effects they do seem a bit wonky.
The main adult lead is played by Gareth (blakes 7) Thomas but also features a few familiar faces from classic Who, chiefly Iain Cuthbertson who played Garron in Ribos Operation... still suitably charismatic.
The village looked familiar too, not sure if it was maybe used as a location for an ep of Who
New song "Breathless Love"