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Fourth Doctor rationalizing at the end of Genesis?

The Fourth Doctor claims he didn't fail at the end of Genesis Of The Daleks. He says that he doesn't think he failed because he knows that out of the great evil of the Daleks, there must come something good. Even if that were the case, that's not HIS success. It's the Daleks' failure that causes people to fight a common foe.

He seems to be rationalizing away his failure. He was sent on a mission to either prevent the development of the Daleks or affect their evolution so they're less aggressive creatures. The closest he comes to, in his own words, is he says something like he's delayed their development for a thousand years.

Clinically, there's no other way around it. The Doctor failed in his mission in Genesis Of The Daleks. He accomplished neither of the two goals set for him by the Time Lords. They didn't seem to mind this, though, as they apparently accepted the outcome of his mission at the end. They didn't send him back, after all.

However, it could be argued that the Doctor did succeed in not letting his mission turn him into a Dalek. He didn't let the ends justify the means. He kept the moral high ground by not becoming an exterminator of an entire race.


The Doctor failed in his mission in Genesis Of The Daleks. The closest he comes to, in his own words, is he says something like he's delayed their development for a thousand years. - Dr Wily

Although the Doctor only delayed the Daleks for a thousand years, things could have been so much worse. Had the Doctor not recovered and destroyed the tape recording, the Daleks could have used foreknowledge of future history to become invincible.

Maybe that's why the Time Lords weren't too upset with him. They know how close things came to being a total disaster.


Of course, it was the Doctor's fault that Davros got a hold of that tape to begin with. Had he never been there to start with, he wouldn't have been forced to divulge the information. And if he hadn't been "afflicted with a conscience," Davros would never have gotten that info.

And, couldn't the Time Lords, with their mastery of time, foresee that the Doctor would fail? Therefore, not send him to begin with and get that tape into Davros's hands to start with.

Another question: why didn't Davros simply record the Doctor's revelations on some kind of internal recording device built into his life support? The most likely answer is there wasn't one, hence the need for a tape recording device to begin with.


It wasn't the Doctor's fault, it was the Time Lords' fault. They are the ones responsible for interrupting his transmit journey and placing him and his companions on Skaro in the first place.



Yeah, from the Doctor's point of view, he really didn't have any choice. The Time Lords were the only ones who could return them to the TARDIS. And they'd probably use that force as leverage to make the Doctor do their bidding. What else could the Doctor do? Stay on Skaro where they'd surely die from exposure to the radiation poisoning?


That's what I've always assumed he meant. By destroying the tape he prevented the Matrix's prophecy from coming true and created an alternate universe. Perhaps in the timeline up
Until the end of Genesis the Doctor failed to do that and the Daleks conquered the universe


I always took it to mean that this time they'd lost the battle but not the war, and could still win against the Daleks another day.

Paul McGann IS the War Doctor in my fic


None of it makes any sense. Have the Timelords send him back twenty years earlier and blow Davros' brains out.


Davros... come with me if you want to live

New song "Breathless Love"


Davros: I'll be back!


Or, better yet, send back a different Time Lord. Surely the Time Lords could have foreseen one of their own with a conscience as dedicated as the Doctor's might not have the hearts to do what is necessary to succeed in the mission.

Or prevent the accident that created Davros in the first place.

Or kill Davros's mother before she can give birth to him, Terminator style.

Or simply go back and prevent the Thousand Year War from ever starting.

There are many options the Time Lords could have taken that would have made more sense, but far less enjoyable episodes of the series.


I presume they didn't know about davros until genesis which is complicated because they'd surely see his future stuff


Words! He got away from his core believes more and more as time went on! By the time of Capaldi and Clara, he was ready to go to HELL to placate her need to see Danny who's dead!  

- - - - Sci-fi, Batman, & E:FC

- - - - Homage to DW & B7

