Well we will soon be going do how about getting something off our chests. Any recommendations that you'd like to share?
Anything at all, who cares if it's off topic, we're history soon anyway.
Any tv show recommendations, or books or music, or even food or booze likes you'd like to pass on.
I'll start,
Music; Blue Aeroplanes....what a band
Books; read any AE Van Vogt? What a truly bonkers Sci fi author. Under the influence of L Ron Hubbard, Van Vogt wrote some amazing novels.
Quest for the Future is a stand out for me. This might seem like a major spoiler but its not,its a small section of this bonkers book.
Three astronauts become the first to reach Alpha Centauri by being frozen for 500 years and sent on their way, when they wake they're prize idiots because humanity has overtaken them and the journey now takes a few hours. Alpha Centauri is waiting for them ,even named their cities in their honor.
However one of them , the books hero was only on the flight so he could get back to the future after being booted out of the Palace of Immortality in the far future even though the booting took place in the 18th century Wild West in a wagon which was a disguised time machine err..or something, yep bonkers.
Tv shows; The Sandbaggers 70's spy show brilliant, Catweazle class,I've recently discovered the 90's comedy BRASS with Timothy West, a truly funny show set in the 1930's north of England
Finally surprise find for me is ITV's 60's series THE MAN IN ROOM 17, Richard Vernon Michael Aldridge,Denholm Elliot as police investigators solving baffling cases by never leaving their room in Scotland yard
Finally food ; good breakfast,cream crackers with peanut butter and tea , not fattening quite filling.
Come-on any recommendations for anything?