Are there really lines such as, "My people will never bend before the Sodomites" and "Beware of Sodomites attacking from the rear" in this film or am I being led astray by rogues?
shareAre there really lines such as, "My people will never bend before the Sodomites" and "Beware of Sodomites attacking from the rear" in this film or am I being led astray by rogues?
shareAre there really lines such as, "My people will never bend before the Sodomites" and "Beware of Sodomites attacking from the rear" in this film or am I being led astray by rogues?
Oh lord. That's too good to be true!
I think there's another good line...
"Beware, the Sodomite patrols are out tonight."
I think there's another good line...
"Beware, the Sodomite patrols are out tonight."
I've got to find a copy of this movie!
The actual line, delivered by the King of the Helamites to the slave girl / spy Tamar as she departs their meeting in the desert is: "Be careful of Sodomite patrols!"
shareIt’s on YouTube
shareBoth sound like their base on lines form th movie, but I suspect they've been Distorted.
This film doesn't aknowldge the common myth that the "Sin of Sodom" was Homosexuality.
"When the chips are down... these Civilized people... will Eat each Other"
Myth is the right word. Out of curiosity, I read the part in Genesis in the Bible that's all about Sodom and Gomorrah and it doesn't mention anything about the sexuality of the inhabitants, only that they asked Lot to bring the angels out of his house because they wanted to know them...which seems innocent enough to me. So how did this myth get started about "Sodomite" meaning "homosexual"? Well, probably in earlier times when preachers raged on about the "wrath of the Lord" from their pulpits to illiterate congregations who had been told all about what was in the Bible, but were unable to read it for themselves. The preachers, believing that the Sodomites were sinful, had to invent a sin for them that they could rage on about and chose homosexuality. So the Sodomites became all raging queers. In fact, when the Marquis of Queensberry sent that card to Oscar Wilde after having written on it "To Oscar Wilde, posing as a Sodomite", it was obvious that he had never read the Biblical account of Sodom and Gomorrah, or he would have known that it didn't say what the Sodomites got up to with one another.
"When the chips are down... these Civilized people... will Eat each Other"
Actually, the uncultured Marquis's note read, "For Oscar Wilde, posing as a somdomite [sic]."
But the idea that the story of Sodom and Gomorrah referred to same-sex behavior took hold in the 11th century, and from that point onward, never let up. One wonders what kind of tightrope the translators of the KJV walked with His Royal Majesty with their tendentious renderings of qedeshim as "sodomites" (example 1 Kings 14:24).
Were they preaching at the king?
§« The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters. »§
It's possible that even still in King James time "Sodomite" meant only Anal sex, which only a minority of Homosexual males engage in.
shareIt's possible that even still in King James time "Sodomite" meant only Anal sex, which only a minority of Homosexual males engage in.Well, it meant rather more than that, and during it's long history, the word "sodomy" had a general meaning of "unnatural" sex - including bestiality. Actual penetrative sex was a necessary component, however, so that, say, intercrural/interfemoral sex didn't really count, and people who practiced this would probably have had no reason to feel that they were committing the sin of Sodomy in any way.
"It's made up of facts, that doesn't make it true"-Spencer Hastings
The phrase "know them" is explicitly sexual, though, an older phrase not much used today.
shareTrue, except that Queen Bera is obviously a lesbian.
Call me Ishmael...
I'm afraid I missed that.
Sodom is usually viewed as about male homosexuality.
"It's made up of facts, that doesn't make it true"-Spencer Hastings
Sodom is usually viewed as about male homosexuality.This would have been utterly taboo in a 1962 biblical epic. However a bit of subtle lesbianism could just about get sneaked in under the radar.
So much priceless dialogue in this movie that it is a joy to watch, great action scenes too.
shareDidn't the OP mean "inurendo"?