I've Had the Slime of My Life / MST3K
Just watched the MST3K episode and thought of some possible missed riffs:
Ghostbusters - Station wagon looks a lot alike, and, of course, all of the slime mentioned.
Carpenter's The Fog
Recurring riffs of songs with 'time' in the title:
I've had the slime of my life - Dirty Dancing
Slime after slime - Cyndi Lauper
Film could have inspired bits of Ghostbusters, The Fog, King's Under the Dome, etc
I think they may have made a huge edit. In one scene they are looking for Bonnie. Then their is a segment. When it comes back you see one of the slime people dead and Bonnie safe. Surely there were scenes were they found Bonnie being held by the slime person and then they had a right with it.