MovieChat Forums > Ride the High Country (1962) Discussion > Anyone have Buchanan's brilliant speech/...

Anyone have Buchanan's brilliant speech/sermon???

I just saw and was blown away by Edgar Buchanan's wedding sermon. What pointed perfected acting. And a beautifully written.

Does anyone know it? Have it?

Love to study it.



I just saw and was blown away by Edgar Buchanan's wedding sermon. What pointed perfected acting. And a beautifully written.

I caught that too. I was completely taken aback. It's the last thing you would expect to hear in that situation and from an alcohol-soaked wreck like Judge Tolliver.



We are gathered here in the high mountains, and in the presence of this august company, to join together this man and this woman in matrimony... Now matrimony is an honorable estate, instituted, blessed, and commended and commented on by almost everybody.

I am not a man of the Cloth, and this is not a religious ceremony. It is a Civil marriage. But nonetheless, it should not be entered into unadvisedly, but reverently and soberly... You know, a good marriage has a kind of simple glory about it. A good marriage is a rare animal, hard to find -- almost impossible to keep...

I don't know -- you see... Well, people change. It's important for you to know at the beginning that people change. You see, the real glory of marriage don't come at the beginning. It comes later and it's hard work.


Brilliant! Beautiful.

Thank you!!!


On the Netflix DVD of Ride the High Country is a special feature with Peckinpah experts giving voiceover comments on the film. One person mentions that Edgar Buchanan came over from his Petticoat Junction fluff TV program to give his Coarsegold wedding speech.

He points out that only an incredible actor could "do a 180" from fluff role to deadly serious wedding speech delivered by an obviously drunken "judge".


Thanks to Acilino for the request and Eric for the speech. Are you aware of any good movie blogs highlighting this movie? Here's a link to one I did, but there must certainly be other ones out there. This movie is tremendous.

Sorry, I don't have the knack for creating a hyperlink, but copying to your browser should work.
