Helen Keller jokes

How do you torture her?
Leave the plunger in the toilet.

What is another way?
Rearrange the furniture.

Did you know that Helen Keller had a dollhouse in the backyard?
Neither did she

Why was Helen Keller's belly button bruised?
Her boyfriend was blind, too.

How come Helen Keller didn't scream when she fell off the cliff?
She was wearing mittens

Helen Keller walked into a bar, then a table , then a chair

Did you did you see Hellen Keller's Broadway play?
Oh nether did she

Why can't Hellen Keller jump out of an airplane?
It scares her dog.

Whats helen keller's favorite color?

Why did Helen Keller cross the road?
What, like she know's where she's going?

Got any others to add?


You. Are. An. Asshole. Unequivocally.


Too soon?
I knew I should have waited another 15 minutes before posting.


How did she burn her face?
She answered the iron.

Her fingers?
Tried to read the waffle iron.

And something about her dog, but can’t remember the punchline.


See above for one about her dog.

Why is HK's leg always yellow?
Because her dog is also blind!


Why was Helen Keller a bad driver?

Because she was a woman.
