Anne Bancroft dead at 73!

My dad just told me today that Anne Bancroft died. Later on the internet, a news article said that she died of cancer. She will be greatly missed.


Life is incredible. Today, at 9 am in the morning I saw for the very first time in my life The Miracle Worker. I was really moved by the film, the perfomances, the use of camera and the acting of Anne Bancroft. And now, 5 minutes ago I found out she is dead. This is a real shock for me, and I still can believe it.

The only other movie of Anne Bancroft that I know is The Graduate, in which she was very good. But I can say honestly that she was one of the greatest actresses I ever saw. Rest in peace.




I think many times a very underrated actress. The range from Annie Sullivan to Mrs. Robinson is incredible. It is possible that because she was married to such an alter ego in Mel Brooks that she was not looked upon in the same light as other actresses in her generation.

I feel badly for Mel Brooks. I'm sure a good part of the humor has gone from his life.


I always thought her a remarkable and quite lovely actress. She played a prima ballerina in THE TURNING POINT, along with Shirley MacLaine, and she was wonderful in that movie too.
