MovieChat Forums > The Miracle Worker (1962) Discussion > Dr. Howe on the question of words....

Dr. Howe on the question of words....

Does anyone know if there really is a Dr. Howe? The excerpt she reads from that book/pamphlet is very moving:

"Can nothing be done to disinter this human soul? The whole neighborhood would rush to save this woman if she were buried alive by the caving in of a pit, and labor with zeal until she were dug out. Now, if there were one who had as much patience as zeal, he might awaken her to a consciousness of her immortal nature. The chance is small indeed, but with a smaller chance they would have dug desperately for her in the pit. And is the life of the soul of less import than that of the body?"

I'm curious if Dr. Howe existed. I tried to google him without luck.

Hopefully someone will let me know, thanks!

~ Susan


Yes, Dr. Howe really did exist. He was the director of the Perkins School for the Blind before Michael Anagnose, (the director when Annie Sullivan was a pupil) took over.

I hope this helps.


Hi. It's me again! Actually, to make it even more interesting for you, Dr. Howe was the father-in-law of Michael Anagnose. When Dr. Howe died, his son-in-law, Michael Anagnose took over as the director.


Awesome! thank you so much for that info.... do you know if the pamphlet/book that she reads from existed? I just found those words so moving, I was hoping for some more! :)

thanks again!


Hi. Sorry it took so long. I'm sorry, but I do not know if that booklet exists. I'm sorry I couldn't be more help.


it's okay, I'm sure eventually someone will graze by this thread & tell me- it's funny how the wealth of knowledge out there eventually seems to answer all my imdb questions!

thank you again for the interesting info you've already given me. good stuff! :)


As far as I know, that was taken from a real article of his. That sounds like his style.


Look for Samuel Gridley Howe. Also, don't just Google it, but go to Wikipedia.

His wife was the author of "Battle Hymn of the Republic".

Read "The Imprisoned Guest," by Elisabeth Gitter. Tells all about Dr. Howe's life and background, how he looked for a suitable blind and deaf child to test his education theories on and found Laura Bridgman, and the story of her life. There's also stuff about him and the school in Joseph Lash's "Helen and Teacher", and Dorothy Herrmann's "Helen Keller, A Life".

Kate found out about Howe from Charles Dickens' writing about Laura Bridgman in "American Notes". She took Helen to see a specialist, like it says in the play. He put her onto Alexander Graham Bell because of his work with deaf children. Bell gave her the address for the Perkins School where they assigned Annie to tutor Helen.

If you want to read what Dickens has to say about Laura, go here


wow... you are way cool!
thank you to everyone who has responded. I will check out the books you recommended.

thank you so very much!!!!! :)

~ Susan


You are welcome. People forget about Laura, and the other deaf-blind children before Helen who got an education through Howe and Gallaudet.
