Annie appeared to be uncomfortable outdoors because of her eye condition (showing resistance to the sun in the train) and possibly because she learned to survive indoors during her childhood. Most of her interaction with Helen prior to the end occured indoors, with mixed results. I don't know how accurate the events on screen are, but it would seem to me that more time outdoors would have hastened Helen's learning path.
This was my first viewing for 5 years and the film wasn't as good as i remember. I appreciate the choices made, but the desperate struggle as depicted made for constricted and monotonous viewing. I couldn't relate to Annie's relentless dedication and i thought more time was needed to develop what motivated her. I would have liked to see more learning after the water pump scene as it was just the beginning of the work Helen needed to do.
"You get me the real money, and i'll bring you the real diamonds."