MovieChat Forums > The Miracle Worker (1962) Discussion > How about a film entirely about Helen Ke...

How about a film entirely about Helen Keller

Not the Miracle worker film just about Helen from childhood, to teen hood to finally adult hood.


Before Annie came into her life, there was no life to speak of really. She was basically an animal, Annie in the movie even said the parents "keep her like a pet, but even a pet is housebroken"

After Annie came into her life, and taught her, Annie was always a part of her life, from then on out. There is no Helen Keller story without Annie.

Helen was an amazing woman, no doubt about it, she became very educated, went on speaking tours, (yes she learned to speak, and where she couldn't Annie could) she wrote books. But in a world that didn't include the blind and deaf (they were still treated with much pity and lack of understanding), she would not have fared so well without Annie.


It would be nice to have a movie from Anne Sullivan's POV, beyond her with Helen Keller, with her own life.

The actress who played Aunt Ev is only 13 years younger than the real Helen Keller.


William Gibson did write another play, called Monday after the Miracle that was a tv movie in the late 90's....I dont know if the film is available but the playscript is available on Amazon...

It is not our abilities that show who we truly is our choices
