Auditioning for Blind Girl

I might be auditioning for a part in The Miracle Worker in a local theater. They said one of the parts was the Perkin Girls, or blind girls, who were 8-17, and were friends of Helen. They didn't really give much information. Can anybody tell me how big of a part the blind girls play, how many scenes they're in, some of their lines, etc? As far as I know, it isn't a huge part, but it seems like something I'm interested in. It seems like a challenge to play someone blind. Any information would be helpful!


I was in the Miracle Worker and I played Captain Keller. My sister ,who is 7, played on of the blind girls. It's is an extremly small part with with lines that all the girls say. I you want a bigger role try out for Helen. But if you want, go for it!

Guess what? I got a fever! And the only prescription.. is more cowbell!-
Christopher Walken


Thanks! I think I'm too old and too big to play Hellen though. I'm 13 and tall at 5 feet, 6 and a half inches.


If the girl who plays Annie is 6 feet or taller than your fine.

Guess what? I got a fever! And the only prescription.. is more cowbell!-
Christopher Walken


Did you ever do this play? How did it go?
