Helen Keller

One of the drawbacks to "The Miracle Worker" is that many people don't know anything about Helen Keller except for what is shown in the movie.

She was the first deaf/blind person to graduate from college - magna cum laude from Radcliffe. She was a critic of war, supported women's suffrage, worker's rights, birth control, and socialist causes. She helped found the ACLU and was an early supporter of the NAACP.


jtyroler said: One of the drawbacks to "The Miracle Worker" is that many people don't know anything about Helen Keller except for what is shown in the movie.

That's true. She wrote several books of memoirs, though, that people can read if they want to know more. Start with "The Story of My Life."


Helen was a thoroughly amazing person.


I wish someone would make a movie about her successes in life, not just about her struggle to learn to communicate. I loved this movie, but I was hoping there would at least be titles at the end that told of Helen's achievements.

"I feel all the time like a cat on a hot tin roof!"


There's a really good biography of Helen Keller that came out about 10 years ago by Dorothy Hermann. It deals a lot with her life both before and after "the miracle".


I've read this book and it really is wonderful. Do try and read it, if you get the chance---well worth your time and you'll learn so much about the great lady who was Helen Keller. She was certainly not always a saint!


Though not as great a movie, I would also recommend, "Helen Keller, The Miracle Continues".


I read "The Story Of My Life", and I don't remember it telling how difficult her father was to her teacher's methods, like it showed in the movie. Does anyone know if this is accurate?
