Annie leaving the poorhouse for Perkins...
Had an interesting sort of vision; I imagined what it must have been like for Annie when she left the poorhouse for Perkins...I imagine her as painfully skinny, having worms that she was not yet aware of, and being somewhat nervous, shaky, and a bit tearful.
Her dark hair was matted and rather unkempt and her big brown blind eyes were wide with fear, yet a bit of excitement. I am sure Annie looked really haunted, skinny, and pale when she first arrived at Perkins and I am sure needed medical treatment as well as help for her eyes and worms.
Heartwarming image also because then we know her life is going to get better. It would be nice of someone made a movie of Annie's childhood, teen, and young adult years and maybe took it from her birth up until maybe Helen graduated from Radcliffe and wrote her first book.
I read that Annie really cried hard when Helen graduated from Radcliffe. In lots of ways, she was more Helen's mother than Kate.