Which movie?...

Okay, so, a few years back, I saw an old Helen Keller movie on tv...except, it wasn't "The Miracle Worker"...

This film was very old, in black and white, and it was about Helen's life as she got older. I only saw towards the middle of it, I think, but the only two things I remember most about the movie, was when Helen and Annie were in a bedroom somewhere, and Annie got really sick, so Helen attempted to call 911 for help....not sure what happened after that....But I also remember that this man proposed to Helen, but later on, I think Helen and her mother were having an argument about it, where she didn't think Helen should get married, or something like that.

What was this movie called? Has anyone seen it? I really wanna get it and watch it again. It was really good.


I just remember the remake of Miracle Worker with Melissa Gilbert and another made for TV movie called Helen Keller, the Mircle Continues with Mare Winningham.


Yes, the film with Mare Winningham and Blythe Danner is the only film featuring an adult Keller with which I am familiar. However, if was not in black and white.

OP, I tried to search for such a film, and a 1919 film was the only one I could find. I doubt you mean this one though: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deliverance_(1919_film)

The scene you describe in the film you saw, does sound like a scene from "The Miracle Continues" with Winningham and Danner (from what I recall). It just wasn't black and white; at least I doubt there was such a version available. (Unless you altered your tv's color format, as I used to sometimes do to watch something in black and white. ;) )
