MovieChat Forums > Lolita (1962) Discussion > Lolita drinks beer while she's pregnant

Lolita drinks beer while she's pregnant

Isn't this a horrible mistake, am I missing something?


i guess the dangers of alcohol were unknown back in 1962.


As late as 1985 a friend's doctor told her 2 drinks a day were fine. And not to worry about it at all once the baby was born, while breastfeeding. Crazy, but there were many arguing that it was fine even 20+ years later.... In 1962, the alcohol companies were probably paying so they'd drink more.


During that time period, my Mom's OB encouraged her to continue drinking (she was a light drinker... maybe three a week) and smoking (a pack a day) to keep the baby (me) small...


As a baby of the 60's, I can tell you things were very different back then. I look through photo albums (as does my husband with his family), and there are numerous photos of adults holding babies and small children while smoking. I know of women that were pregnant back then, and in the heat of summer, would down a beer or two. The information about the harmful affects, either did not exist, or were in the very early stages back then!


As others have pointed out, medical sciences were not as advanced as today - just like today's knowledge will seem primitive compared to what society will know 50 years into the future. I was born in the mid-60's and my mother has told me that she used to wine and dine as was her regular habit all through the pregnancy. Public awareness of the value of healthy living while pregnant only kicked in a good decade later.

Please click on 'reply' at the post you're responding to. Thanks.


I was a HS and college athlete during the 50s. Smoking and drinking were known to be harmful, but there wasn't the campaign that exists today. My mother knew of the damage of smoking & drinking during pregnancy during the 30s & 40s. She wasn't education, but she probably knew just intuitively. I think a very small sliver of society believed in "pure" body preparation for child-bearing. They were undoubtedly thought to be obsessive. Smoking was known to "stunt your growth" and sap you of ability to run. No conscientious athlete wanted that. We are obviously more aware today, but it is not a new thing.


My son was born in 1964, and my pediatrician recommended beer as a portion of my required fluid intake for nursing. My German grandmother agreed.


And what's wrong with that? It's not like the baby is gonna fall out prematurely when the mother drinks a beer.

[ Dave, my mind is going. I can feel it. ]
