Reese's Ammo Belt And Being Unshaven
Hey folks,
I just watched this again for the first time in a few years, and I was wondering about a few things with Reese.
First he reports for duty in a rear area with a clean uniform and with neck tie, but he has a five day growth of beard. I can't imagine his showing up in a rear area and in that class of uniform without being shaved. Does that seem a bit off to anyone else?
The other thing is that he wears an empty ammo belt throughout the whole film - including when he first shows up in his clean shirt and tie uniform. The ammo belt is the kind used by soldiers issued M-1 Garand rifles. The ten pockets in the ammo belt are designed to each hold one eight round clip of 30-06 ammo. Reese does not use an M-1 Garand rifle; he uses an M-3 Grease Gun which uses long .45 ACP magazine sticks, and they would not in any way fit in his ammo belt pockets. Also, his ammo belt pockets appeared to be empty throughout the whole film. He used the Grease Gun throughout the whole film and at no time ever used an M-1 Garand. Given this, why was he wearing that ammo belt? It simply cannot hold his M-3 magazines.
And that raises another question. Where exactly did he keep his extra M-3 Grease Gun mags? I do not mean the three mags he had taped together and inserted in his Grease Gun. He had to have more than those three magazines. In a hot firefight, he would go through his three mags quite quickly, and he would probably had three or even six more magazines taped together for quick use. Each magazine held 30 rounds. If he had nine mags, that would only be 270 total rounds for immediate use in a firefight, and 270 rounds in a Grease Gun would not be too many for a firefight. I just wonder where he had more mags than the three he had taped together.
Please do not take my questions as criticisms of the film. I have liked this film since I first saw it in 1962, but I did not remember about Reese showing up with a beard and his use of a Garand ammo belt. Seeing them tonight, I could not keep from wondering about these things.
Best wishes,
Dave Wile