Poor Henshaw

Dont you thing that would've sucked???

I mean Henshaw had a fu**in flamethrower on his back! Then he hits one mine! THen his arm sets off another!!


"AHHHH! AHHH!" *Trips Another mine* Silence....



You got that right dude.

Wow, I mean I still shudder about Henshaw.

But what was pretty sad to me at the end of the movie. After Steve Mcqueen blows himself up. Homer gets really angry and starts shooting at the enemy, he was even screaming! He was like, "YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!"

I think if Steve Mcqueen would've opened up to Homer, they would've been great friends.


It's not 2 mines.

He trips a mine and loses his arm. The fuel tank on his back catches fire and he blows up.


Agreed with the OP! I thought the same thing!

Prostitute: What the *beep* are you doing?
Johnny: I'm gonna kill a bunch of people.



The glasses were the tell, that he might face trouble in the minefield. Funny thing though. Reece touches the mine (albeit lightly) and he's OK. Henshaw touches it in a similar fashion and it's all over red rover.



I don't have the film with me now, but I'm pretty sure he does touch it, but as I said, it appears to be lightly.




I winced when Henshaw bought it.

I've been chasing grace/ But grace ain't easy to find
