I recognize Kauai in a few of the shots when they're on their "private island", but I don't know where the airstrip is. Anyone know?
shareI recognize Kauai in a few of the shots when they're on their "private island", but I don't know where the airstrip is. Anyone know?
shareSorry, it's been awhile since I saw the movie, and I don't know where the airstrip is. But the airstrip *might* be near the Howland home, which is what I came here to post about. (Maybe you already know about it).
It's known as the Grove Farm Manager’s House. Here it is in google maps:
http://www.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Grove+Farm &sll=21.901959,-159.34948&sspn=0.132673,0.192089&ie=UTF8&a mp;ll=21.965813,-159.373679&spn=0.00403,0.006003&t=h&z=18
Here's page with photo and info:
And here's a page about the Grove Farm Homestead Museum: