Overrated but still good
The thing about Carnival of Souls is that its impact is only effective the first time you see it. Repeated viewings reveal too much inconsistency of plot. How are some people able to see her and talk to her but others can't? The film makes it seem like she's going in and out of the physical world but she can't be because her physical body is in the car. It seems to me that the plot was written to slowly build to the reveal and fool the audience. However, it isn't really fair play and doesn't make consistent sense unless we imagine the moments of physical contact are based on her body in the car hallucinating while she's nearing death while the moments when she sees the dead people are the real ones as she's crossing over. The date scenes with that dude are boring as hell and padded. Still, it's fun and creepy and a cut way above many films of its type of the period. Definitely has a Night of the Living Dead feel to it.