Oppression? Fighting for Democracy?
Why is it that the Greeks are represented as the oppressed and the Persians the oppressors? Correct me if I am wrong, but didn't the Greeks instigate the war? The Greeks encouraged the Ionians, semi-independent-Persian vassals of Greek decent, to revolt against the Persians. After putting down the revolt, the Persians then decided it might be a good idea to punish the foriegn Greeks who instigated a rebellion. No oppresion, just bad foriegn policy on the Greeks part and a understandable response from an empire.
Also, how is this represented as fighting for democracy? Although the Athenians might have been a democracy (as long as you weren't a woman, a non-Greek or a slave), the Spartans were an elistist military oligarchy that made slaves of other Greeks (Greeks having slaves was considered ok, but not Greek slaves. This was a point of contention with all of Sparta's neighbors). I don't want to discount that the seeds of democracy were in Greece, but the Greeks were not fighting for democracy. If someone were to say they were fighting for home rule, that would be more accurate than to say they were fighting for democracy.
I understand the military significance of the Battle of Thermopylae; I will never understand how this continues to be propped up as an example of standing up to oppression or fighting for democracy.