Warren Oates...

...is simply unbearable in this otherwise top-quality series. His
character is incredibly irritating and he's given way too much
screen time. He just gets pages upon pages upon pages of padded
dialogue to fill out the hour. I would wager the series' early
cancellation was due to audience annoyance with him.


Warren Oates is OK, but I like Quacker Oats much better!


I don't remember the show too well but remember Jack Lord and Warren Oates very well. I get the impression from what I remember he was sort of a lovable con artist and that part was one that suited him well. I don't recall him being a rider bus maybe a roustabout who always had a con going. Rest in peace Jack and Warren. I hope to see the reruns some day.


Have to disagree, though of course it comes down to a matter of personal taste. Oates steals every scene he has, and he's a delight to watch every time, IMHO.
