Possible spoiler...

Not only was the acting horrendous, but the plot was ridiculous.
Anyone who lived through a traumatic rape and then move in with a strange man was unrealistic, not to mention STUPID!

When the guy came home intoxicated, her cowardice behavior was off putting- WHY didn't she bolt (from the apartment)?
Her actions throughout were idiotic, I honestly lost all sympathy for her after that.

I love old movies and understand that times were very different back then, but this one was an insult to to my intelligence.


If you'd been watching, you'd realized that he had some kind of lock which didn't allow her to escape his place---otherwise she would have gotten the hell out of there, which she wanted to do. But she couldn't, and she did try to get out more than once. Actually, this film was a bit more realistic about the subject of rape than a lot of Hollywood films I've seen from that era. Plus this was an indie film,not a Hollywood flick--that's also what was different and unique about it.
