Potsie with a spray tan

I saw this movie for the first time last night. I came along, long after the Warren Beatty hype of the 1960's. I just do not get it. At least in this movie.
I kept thinking he looked like Potsie from Happy Days with a tan. I do not see him as the beautiful Italian man he was supposed to be.
I think he was miscast in this part.


For me he sometimes did look beautiful and other times, not so much. It might have been the camera angles. It might have been intentional, as in Quintero showing us the inconsistency and mutability of physical beauty. IDK. But I will say that his accent was atrocious and distracting. I know why he was cast, but I can't help but wonder if an Italian actor (or least one with a better grasp of the accent and body language) would have been far more effective.

Yes, I killed Yvette. I hated her sooo much. F - flames, on the sides of my face - heaving, breath-


As if there was a shortage of hot Italian guys on location in Rome. It sounds like WB had the same dialect coach that Natalie Wood had for West Side Story ... or Chekov from Star Trek.

"Who put the pineapple juice in my pineapple juice?"


"his accent was atrocious and distracting" ---He sounds like the Count from Sesame Street!! Didn't they audition him first? Big mistake!


The guy on TCM, Ben Mankewiez described him as "irritatingly handsome". I agree. I never found him attractive and the irritating part comes in because he expects women to be bowled over. He may be handsome but has little charm.


OMG!!!! you totally ruined this movie for me, but in a good way... every time WB opens his mouth to speak, all i can hear is the Count from Sesame St saying, "one... haaa haaa haaa... two... haaa haaa haaa... thrrrrree... haaa haaa haaa..." i'm laughing so hard right now because he looks so smug when he sounds like a vampire muppet!!!

"What's that man doing in my drawers?"


That's too funny!

Yeah, the accent was pretty bad and his acting wasn't so great either but maybe he already had a sizeable fan base.


Beatty is awful in this. I think he's certainly handsome, though.


I'm trying to watch this. I've made it through about 30 minutes. His accent is ridiculous. George Hamilton would have been much better. The pace is so slow. I adore Vivien Leigh, which is why I'm trying to watch it.


Colossal casting mistake with Beatty. Hard to take the film seriously because of him. I wonder why he was cast? His only notable work before was Splendor in the Grass, which also came out in 1961. If not Beatty, then who? Was Mastroianni too old or unknown? Even Alain Delon, if he could manage the accent, would have been better.

Beatty must have been the hot, new star at the time.
