MovieChat Forums > Pit and the Pendulum (1961) Discussion > The real reason Barbara Steele was dubbe...

The real reason Barbara Steele was dubbed by somene else

Anyone know the real reason why she was dubbed by someone else in this film? I've heard one source claim it was because her thick British accent was too hard to understand, but I've heard another source claim it was due to her filming The Horrible Dr. Hitchcock, and therefore was unable to do the post-production dubs for The Pit and the Pendulum. So which is it?


In the book on Vincent Price films 'The Art of Fear' it does say that Barbara Steele was upset because her voice was dubbed. The Corman wording in there was that her voice didn't blend in with those of the rest of the cast members. I don't know if Barbara Steele had a strong regional accent as the more cultured British accents are palatable to American audiences I would have thought.
