TCM showing
It's funny that I wasn't the only one who watched this on TCM this weekend, as most of the posts here are one day old.
Was anyone else struck by the obvious parallels to the TV show LOST? I mean, you have your obvious 'mysterious island,' but some of the strange clues, monsters, etc. made this seem like a prehistoric version of LOST to me. Of course, I had no familiarity with the original novel, so when Nemo came out of nowhere I was totally derailed. I had just made peace with the fact that these people lived in a world where "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" was historical fact (duh, this is the sequel).
Anyway, cool flick. When the ship showed up on the horizon, I said "If those are pirates, this is the coolest movie ever."
Sure enough, the next shot is the Jolly Roger flappin' in the breeze.