Honestly, the 2005 version has more action, better characters, better acting and more story to it. The only thing this one had was sexy goatskin panties. But that's certainly not enough to make it stand out as "the better movie".
2005 version had cheesy special effects yeah and is more humorous/silly while this one is more serious. But that's part of its charm
While the '61 movie is superior I agree that the absolute lambasting of the 2005 version is undeserved. Yes, the exploding volcano and lava at the end were cheesy looking, but the '05 movie does have excellent island locations, shot in Thailand, which are superior to the '61 version, not to mention it doesn't have those thoroughly lame backdrops of the '61 flick with the fake-looking mountains & volcano. It also has more story and therefore more character development. The only silly part of the '05 version (beyond the exploding volcano and lava) is the depiction of the pirates
some of the time; I say "some" of the time because most of the time they're displayed in a generally believable manner; and I think they came off quite well.
And, generally speaking, the creatures in the '05 movie looked fair to good. The mantis, for example, looked really good, particularly considering this was a TV production. Yes, it was cartoony, but the whole story is decidedly comic booky. Moreover, the sets for Nemo's lair were excellent.
I don't understand how these viewers were expecting Jurassic Park F/X quality in a freakin' TV production. Personally, I think the story & characters of the '05 movie are
superior to any of the Jurassic Park films.
My 175 (or so) Favorite Movies: http://www.imdb.com/list/ls070122364/