MovieChat Forums > Jules et Jim (1962) Discussion > And the worst high budget film ever made...

And the worst high budget film ever made award goes to...

From what I´ve seen in this message board, I think we all have simillar taste for movies. So, inspired by the top 10 post, in which you told the movies you love, I´m opening this discussion about movies you hate: what is the worst high bugdet film ever? (Indie movies don´t count, neither do B-films, cause, well... they are b-films, no one would expect them to be good)

For me, I had a hard time chosing between Anaconda (1997) and The Cable Guy (1996). After a lot of struggle, I have to give my award to the second one. Just thinking about it makes me want to scream and pull off all the hair in my head.

-- E-music is my lifestyle. Electro is my heartbeat. But film is what I breath! --


so what does this have to do with Jules et Jim?


And what does the topic "Top Ten greatest movies" (which received 41 replies) have to do with it either?

hitman912, I guess I just wanted to know more about my fellow Jules et Jim and Truffaut lovers taste for films, and I don´t know where else I could start a topic like this. If you have any ideas about this, please let me know.

-- E-music is my lifestyle. Electro is my heartbeat. But film is what I breath! --


If you're looking solely at Hollywood, you'd have to put Battlefield Earth on the list.
And Transformers REALLY offended me.


There are a lot of good and bad movies both in Hollywood and in European Cinema. I just coudn´t think of any other film worst than Cable Guy.

And by the way, thanks for the tips! I´ve never watched Battlefield Earth nor Transformers, so now I have more reasons to keep this status quo! lol

-- E-music is my lifestyle. Electro is my heartbeat. But film is what I breath! --


While its reputation certainly precedes it, I actually didn't think The Cable Guy was that bad.

Of course, I haven't seen it in years.


I just find the character played by Jim Carrey so unbelievably and horrifingly annoynoing! I know it´s supposed to be, but he was way over the top. So that completetly wrecked the entire movie and made it pratically unbarable to watch! I only got through it to the end because I´m one of those people that don´t quit on watching a film once I´ve started, even if it´s very bad, but it was a torture to me. One of those chinese kinds of torture!

-- E-music is my heartbeat. But film is what I breath! --


actually i kinda liked the cable guy. the way it evolves from a slapstick comedy to (almost) a film noir attracted me. ok, its not a 9/10 movie, but its definitely not as bad as commonly supposed.
if you watch a jim carey movie you know there's gonna be some overacting, so that shouldn't be the reason why you rejected it.
the first time i've watched it i didnt like it to much, but the second and third time i enjoyed the way jim carey portraits this lonely man, desperately in need for friendship. the mixture of noir thriller elements and slapstick seemed quite innovative to me and highly appealing. i think its underrated and its going to be a cultfilm in the future.

btw jules et jim is a great movie, and a typical product of the french new wave cinema.

"I collect blondes and bottles" - The Big Sleep


Jacques Tati's Trafic had huge sets to look like a futuristic Paris, but didn't come up with anything interesting in it.

Contenders: The Passion of the Christ,
Rambo [the latest one)
Caligula (italian)

After the revolution everything will be different. Your password is 'Giliap'!


I haven't watch Trafic and the last Rambo, but I agree with you on The Passion of the Christ and Caligula: they are like examples of "How to make your movie turn up bad".

-- E-music is my heartbeat. But film is what I breath! --



I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out to be a cult film in the future. That happened to The Rocky Horror Picture Show. When it was released everybody hated it, now it's a cult movie.

And hell yeah Jules et Jim is great. Completelly Nouvelle Vague all the way, to the pace, the story, the way it was filmed, the acting - Jeanne Moreau is amazing in the film. It´s so Nouvelle Vague that in Une femme est une femme (1961), by Godard, someone runs into Jeanne Moreau (playing herself) in a café and asks her how the filming of Jules et Jim, which would be released in 62: it´s a nouvelle vague film quoted in another nouvelle vague film! lol

-- E-music is my heartbeat. But film is what I breath! --




Both Transformers films and 2012. That's a total of 600 million dollars spent on bullsh!t.
Sooner or later, directors like Michael Bay and Roland Emmerich should be forced to work with budgets of a milion dollars or less, just to see what kind of decisions they will make with less studio resources to fall back on.


One of my top picks is the DeMille debacle "The Greatest Show on Earth" ('52). AND it won the 1953 Best Picture Oscar, beating out High Noon and The Quiet Man. A travesty.
