What a horrible woman!

I just saw the movie again after several years, and I have to say...I cannot see what any man would see in this woman other than a one night stand. She seems quite crazy, and really vicious and nasty. A man should get a clue when he comes across a woman carrying sulfuric acid around with her to blind some guy she thinks is lying to her. I always figured that the real relationship here is between Jules and Jim, as two gay guys, and that Catherine was some kind of fantasy they cooked up to cover up their own relationship. Hopefully people can now be more open in their relationships without having to resort to nuts like Catherine to serve as beards.



the sulphuric is a giveaway. and yep, does seem to be a reminiscence about an unconsummated gay relationship.


There is some evidence in favor of the Jules/Jim love pairing in that when Catherine dresses as a man, the voice-over claims that both men were "strangely affected, though they did not know why."
