could you help??


I'm studying the children's hour for my media exam in january and was wondering if you could answer some questions for me about what you thought of the film.

1. How would you describe the character Karen?

2. How would you describe the character Martha?

3. Do you think that the representation of lesbianism in the children's hour is realistic and give a well rounded portrayal of lesbians and why?





As far as your third question is concerned, I think the subject of lesbianism is danced around very vigorously ini this film simply because in 1961 this was still a taboo subject for the movies.


ROFL! Y'know, this post looks very much like you are trying to get other people to do an essay for you on the sly. Excellent way of cheating. Wish the net had been around when I was at school.

The Owls Are Not What They Seem


thanks ijonesiii for the reply.

as for DemonicSmurfette, have you ever heard of the word 'research'? part of the work i have too do is finding out what other people think, not just what i think. if u dont believe me check the ocr exam board website, under media A2 for the critical research exam and check your facts before you acuse someone of cheating!



Yeah, sure! Of cooooouuurse I believe you. Research, definately. Not knocking you, it's a great idea. Although if you read my post I haven't actually accused you of anything... A bit of guilt there, my dear? Ta ta xx

The Owls Are Not What They Seem
